Monday, November 29, 2010

Thanksgiving, part 3

The Sunday after Thanksgiving we were back in Pittsburgh, in a crepes shop in Shadyside.


That is my sister in the foreground, failing to look serious for the drawing.

Then it was time to fly back to Iowa.


With a four-hour layover in Detroit.


November 28, 2010

Thanksgiving, part 2

For Thanksgiving day we drove up to western New York to spend it with my mother's family. Thursday was a mix of food, football, family, and episodes of The Walking Dead. Friday we all drove out to an Irish restaurant for a fish fry.

Fish Fry

November 26, 2010

Thanksgiving, part 1

A few days before I fly out to Pittsburgh to spend Thanksgiving week with my family, we were pulled out of a meeting at work so they could tell us the company was closing down and congratulations, we're all fired! I spent the next few days wandering my apartment thinking "The last time I watered this plant, I HAD A JOB", "When I bought this spaghetti, I STILL HAD A JOB" so it was a nice change of pace to go home for a while.

On the Sunday before Thanksgiving we ate brunch at Lidia's in the Strip District, which is a multi-course affair that includes baked goods, an antipasto buffet, a daily selection of pastas, and a dessert buffet.

Lidia's Sunday brunch

Lidia's Sunday brunch

There is also a bridge outside with globe decorations on its post that make it look like it's staring at you.

Bridge of Sauron

The Strip District has a lot of interesting shops in it. You can weave your way on the tiny sidewalks past the Steelers merchandise tables (with the blaring HERE WE GO music and the signs that say YINZERS PAY HERE) to get to all kinds of ethnic markets and food stores.


And I have to say, nothing really cheers you up like you and your sister (quietly) bursting into song to the bemusement of the cashier in the middle of a spice store.

November 21, 2010

Friday, November 12, 2010

Java House

It was cold and rainy today so I went out to get a mocha.

Java House

Java House

Java House

Java House

November 12, 2010

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Clinton St

I camped out on the steps of one of the University of Iowa buildings to draw this.

Clinton St

It can be hard to tell how long to work on these larger drawings, but today when I was contemplating how much detail I should add some guy wandered into the bushes next to me and started throwing up, which I took as a sign that I'd been working on it for long enough.

November 7, 2010

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Iowa River

Today I went for a walk by the river and stopped to sketch one of the less impressive bridges.


You can just barely see the bridge everyone actually uses and some University of Iowa buildings behind it. The graffiti on it reads "YOU ARE NOT WHAT YOU OWN" and "CEYN", along with some other words that were too small or too corroded to read. Other pieces of graffiti I've seen around town have read "IF YOU LOVE HER THEN TELL HER" and "SO WHAT?"

October 31, 2010

Monday, October 25, 2010


Hung out at the Iowa City Public Library this weekend because I am a nerd and don't like football.




It's always so quiet there, which... I know, library, but it's still kind of disconcerting. Sometimes a patron will fall asleep and start snoring loudly which is reassuring.

October 24, 2010

Friday, October 8, 2010

I'm going to get really sick of titling these "Java House"

As winter sets in the number of outdoor events goes way down and the Java House starts doing their live music nights again.

Java House music

Of course, some people prefer their own.

Java House studier

October 8, 2010

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Java House, some more

School is in full swing now, all the kids are busy studying.

Java House girl

Java House dude

Java House girls

Java House dude

September 22, 2010

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Summer party!

... on the coldest, rainiest day of summer. We have good planning skills.

Company Picnic

Most people stayed in the pavilion out of the rain.

Bored Dogs

I drew a couple of dogs tethered to the side of the pavilion while my coworkers discussed the benefits of coming to work naked in protest over our broken air conditioning. Good times.

August 17, 2010

Friday Night Concert Series

Concert Series Audience

Concert Series Performers

More bands and audiences and people standing in front of me when I'm trying to draw the stage

July 30, 2010

St Mary's Cathedral

Another Church

I guess this wasn't a very good angle to draw from, as the trees kept getting in the way, but that's where the bench was, so I went with it. I wound up cutting off the top of the steeple because I misjudged how high it was when I started drawing, so you'll just have to imagine it until I go back to draw the rest of it and photoshop it back in. Then I'll edit out this description and pretend it never happened.

July 18, 2010

Missionaries in the Ped Mall


July 17, 2010

Friday, July 9, 2010

Hawk Dawgs

The Friday Night Concert Series is happening somewhere off to the left.

Hawk Dawgs

July 9, 2010

Monday, July 5, 2010

More Jazz Festival

It was wet on Sunday, we were dodging bursts of rain all day.

Jazz Festival

Jazz Festival

Jazz Festival

It cleared up just long enough for the fireworks, though. Everyone here is gathered at the only hill in Iowa waiting for them to start.

Waiting for fireworks

I was sitting by a family with a couple of kids who were waving sparklers around and trying to set the nearby trees on fire with them. When that didn't work they decided to turn me into a frog.

July 4, 2010

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Iowa City Jazz Festival

Sun was very hot today. Everyone's camped out in the patches of shade on the UI Pentacrest to listen to the music.

Jazz Festival Audience

Jazz Festival Audience

Jazz Festival Audience

Jazz Festival Audience

Jazz Festival Audience

Oh god I'm so sunburned right now.

July 3, 2010

Street Piano

Northampton thinks it's special because it has a street saxophone player? Well, we have a guy with a whole damn piano out on our sidewalks!

Street Piano

Or that was just a promotion for the store behind him. Whatever, my version sounds better.

July 3, 2010

Jazz Festival

The Iowa City Jazz Festival is happening this weekend.

Jazz Festival

July 2, 2010

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Iowa City First United Methodist Church


There's several churches in this area - this isn't even the only one on its block - but this one is the fanciest with some very pretty stained glass windows.

June 26, 2010

Another ped mall sketch

ped mall at night

This was at night, after the concert packed up and left.

June 25, 2010

Iowa City Arts Festival

I went out to get groceries one day and suddenly there was an arts festival!

Bongo drum demonstration

Kids & dinosaurs 1

Kids & dinosaurs 2

Guy with tuba

June 6, 2010

Street musicians

Musicians in pedmall

May 2010

Smith College

Went to Northampton, Massachusetts for my sister's graduation

Smith College

Smith College

Front porch at Talbot House

May 2010