Friday, July 9, 2010

Hawk Dawgs

The Friday Night Concert Series is happening somewhere off to the left.

Hawk Dawgs

July 9, 2010

Monday, July 5, 2010

More Jazz Festival

It was wet on Sunday, we were dodging bursts of rain all day.

Jazz Festival

Jazz Festival

Jazz Festival

It cleared up just long enough for the fireworks, though. Everyone here is gathered at the only hill in Iowa waiting for them to start.

Waiting for fireworks

I was sitting by a family with a couple of kids who were waving sparklers around and trying to set the nearby trees on fire with them. When that didn't work they decided to turn me into a frog.

July 4, 2010

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Iowa City Jazz Festival

Sun was very hot today. Everyone's camped out in the patches of shade on the UI Pentacrest to listen to the music.

Jazz Festival Audience

Jazz Festival Audience

Jazz Festival Audience

Jazz Festival Audience

Jazz Festival Audience

Oh god I'm so sunburned right now.

July 3, 2010

Street Piano

Northampton thinks it's special because it has a street saxophone player? Well, we have a guy with a whole damn piano out on our sidewalks!

Street Piano

Or that was just a promotion for the store behind him. Whatever, my version sounds better.

July 3, 2010

Jazz Festival

The Iowa City Jazz Festival is happening this weekend.

Jazz Festival

July 2, 2010